Lawn mowing takes the most time of any lawn-care procedure. Regular mowing at the appropriate height with a sharp mower blade will help keep grass growing actively and maintain adequate density. Proper mowing procedures contribute to a healthy lawn with few weeds, as well as lawn nourishment if grass clippings are left on the lawn.
Mowing a lawn properly allows it to grow thicker and fuller throughout the season.
The best mowing procedures will differ depending on the season, weather conditions, grass species, and the intensity with which a lawn is managed. Here are some general items to consider while planning your mowing path.
- Check that your mower blade is sharp and correctly mounted
A lawn will not be happy with the treatment supplied by a poor blade. Even worse than a dull blade is one that has been mounted upside down, causing the blade’s blunt backside to be the cutting edge. A dull blade will not offer a clean cut, resulting in rough grass.
In addition, the resulting damage will provide more entry places for insects and illness. A clean cut with a sharp blade result in a pleasant, even appearance that is significantly better for the grass.
- Choose your grass species
There is no universally acceptable grass-cutting height. Depending on its physiology, each species can flourish at a different height.
The ideal mowing height is determined by the size of the leaf blades of the grass species. Finer-bladed grasses can be mowed shorter, but broad-leafed species benefit from a bit greater height.
- Adjust the height of the mower deck
The type of grass may be the first indicator of where to position the mower, but it is not the only factor to consider. When mowing, the conventional rule of thumb is to not remove more than one-third of the leaf tissue in a single mowing.
The lower you go, the more frequently you must mow to keep the correct height without removing more than one-third of the design. A shorter lawn frequently has more weed problems because the canopy isn’t as dense. The open canopy allows more light into the soil, allowing weed seeds to develop.
The ideal strategy is to maintain a consistent mowing height throughout the year.
- Mow at the appropriate intervals
Mowing should take place when the grass needs a trim, not when the weekend arrives, to keep the proper height. If a lawn has been heavily fertilized and irrigated, or if it is in active growth, it may need to be mowed twice a week. If the grass is suffering from drought stress, it may not need to be mowed at all. If the target lawn height is 2 inches, it must be cut when it reaches 3 inches in height.
The grass may not need to be cut in early spring, but the lawnmower may still be useful.
Winter annual weeds that appear before the grass is actively growing can be controlled to some extent by mowing until the weather warms.
- Make a plan for clippings
In most circumstances, lawn clippings should be returned to the lawn. They include nutrients that the lawn can recycle and utilize. In general, there is no need to remove clippings if you do a good job of staying on top of mowing and there are no large clumps of material left behind by the mower.
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